Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Tooth Revealed

...and then hidden as soon as the camera came out.

Our little Chewish boy has found his inner Tooth, but he's keeping it to himself. Except when he bites our knees, or tears off a chunk of nice juicy peach.

***begin French pun section here :) ***

This milestone has led to a new nickname for Leo. He was and still is a "polisson", pronounced more or less "Paulie's son" and meaning mischievous, naughty boy. Grand-Pe came up with that one. Now he is also our "denti-fils" (sounds like toothpaste in French--Paul came up with this, a sign that his French is improving), our toothsome son. And we are so behind in publishing this news that he is now growing a second "dent-de-lion" (lion's tooth, or dandelion--another one of Papi's).

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