Well, we have made it to the magical six-week mark. They say the first six weeks are the hardest. The pediatricians said not to bring the boy into heavily peopled areas for the first six weeks since the immune defenses take some time to build up. The first six weeks are the most important for breast-feeding. And so on.
So how has Leo changed in six weeks? He is chubbier. He has lost some hair. He got very spotty and is now less so. He got some "cradle cap" (eeeww) which seems to be lessening somewhat. He is strong--he can kick and lift his head and hold on to our fingers like a champ. He has some new calls. He is squeaking less and honking more. He no longer objects at all to baths or changes, unless they last too long and he gets cold (can't say he is pleased by them either, though). He stays awake for longer periods during the day, and continues to give us a 5-hour sleeping stretch (more or less) during the night. He has some vague little smiles now and then but hasn't started flirting with us in earnest.
Nevertheless, we continue to be in love. And since these first six weeks don't seem to be a "trial period" after all -- and we have to keep him, no money back -- that is just as well. Here's to the next six months, years, decades, and beyond!