Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today in Genoa

Noemi took this picture of the dawn this morning from her hospital room. With the birth taking place around 2:20am local time, and lots of things to do after that, there wasn't much of a chance for sleep. But the company and the view made up for it. She was happy to greet the dawn with Leo on his first day.

(Update: our friend Charlie observed that this dawn could be called a "son rise"!)

Leo isn't Italian, but he is Genovese. This is his city of birth, seen from Noemi's room. Compare the road level with the roofs of the buildings beside it - this is typical Genoa.

Here are Leo's official vital stats, attached to his cot:

1 comment:

Dori said...

CONGRATS! What a cutie! You guys must be over the moon. I wish you all tons of health and happiness!