Friday, October 23, 2009

World of Words

'allo, 'allo!

pot! pot! An-na! [the lion that Anna gave him in Italy--thank you, he loves it! This was the first name he learned... he prefers to learn the names of people who give him presents]

tchuh-tchuh! [Leo STILL _really_ likes trains.]

ahm, ahm! [Leo placed each and every one of those plums in the cake for Papi's birthday.]

Le-o! [Leo learned to say his name -- it's easy now that he knows milk ("lait") and water ("eau"). And he loves to see it written -- especially with the accent]

co-co-LA! [Leo is helping break the biscuits for Paul's birthday chocolate biscuit cake. Co-co-la is Leo's favorite word, after "non".]

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